Sunday, October 7, 2007

Andy's Prayer

Andy said the family prayer tonight and I had to record what he said because I had the hardest time stifling my giggles. He said, " Heavenly Father, please bless that my daddy can always work very hard so we can have lots of money to buy everything we need. (This is where I begin holding in the laughter.) And please bless him to have enough money to pay taxes and that Maya will not do that during the prayer." (At this point Nate breaks down too.) While Andy is saying this thoughtful prayer, and Nate and I are stifling our laughs, Maya is waving her body back and forth while keeping her arms folded and eyes closed of course, and Luke thinks it's all a game and is laughing his head off. Our family is so spiritually minded it kills me! So of course after the prayer we had to ask Andy if he knew what taxes were since it's not a topic of conversation generally in our house. He said that the money from taxes is used to pay for the roads and water everybody uses. (Earlier today he was telling me about gravity and the earth's orbit and asking why some people still called Pluto a planet since it's probably really a comet or asteroid.) I don't know where this kid comes from some days. I'm just glad he's on my team.


Heather S. said...

Kids are soo funny. I can remember many family prayers when Wendi and I couldn't stop laughing and being silly during the prayers. My kids seem to have caught the same gene also.

Wendi said...

Heather is lying. I was never silly during prayers.

crystal said...

Hee hee; good to know this doesn't only happen at my house!

(got your blog off my friend Wendi's)