Tuesday, January 8, 2008

TTA- Assignment Organize

This week's Tell All assignment was to share ideas about how we organize our lives. Definitely not my thing since I became a stay-at-home mom. In fact being unorganized and cluttered is probably my number one complaint. I recently read Clutter’s Last Stand after my friend told me about it. It’s a fabulous book that gives you ideas on how to de-clutter your home and feel good about what you throw out. I loved it! However, when my sister asked to borrow it I couldn’t remember in which pile it was buried. She and her husband love to laugh about that!

One of my New Year’s resolutions actually is to stop complaining about being unorganized and just do it! Reading the other TTA http://tuesdaytellall.blogspot.com/ blogs has been so fun getting great ideas as I work on this. Last week I started getting on top of things by resurrecting my personal planner I made for myself last year. It’s been fabulous. I tried using a palm pilot and other expensive planners before but the only thing I got out of them was a great daily quote. So I printed out a calendar style on Word that worked for me and put it in a 3-ring notebook so I can insert papers I need to keep track of that don't need to be filed long term. I have other sections for my home projects, my kids, work, etc. I also have a small notebook that I now drag everywhere with me (an idea I got from Wendi a few months ago) so between my binder and notebook I don’t wonder where I put Andy’s notes from school anymore and I always have a place to jot down things I need to remember or lists I want to accomplish each day. It's a small step, but I'm on my way.


crystal said...

You rock! I love my planner. Flylady would call your binder a Control Journal--go read about it on her website. She has really good ideas about what to put in there, sections to create, etc.

I'm so excited to see a post from my only blogging friend I've met in real life!!!!

Kanabites said...

Reading your blog and Wendi's blogs on organizing has sparked something in me that has needed to be sparked for a very long time! I am GETTING organized this month if it kills me, well not really kill me, but that way I can enjoy the rest of the year and mark that off as a goal that I have actually accomplished. Small town living is getting better, if you would have asked me a year ago, I would have said it was really really hard. I have some really good friends and the community is a good one to raise kids in. I love my neighbors. They are about my parent's ages and it's like I'm living next door to my mom. I get lots of advice from her about life in general and she's a great example for how I want to become.
Your blog is fun by the way. I read yours, mel's, mary's, and wendi's often and learn a lot from you all. Nice long answer for a simple question... sorry...

Wendi said...

How's the fly lady going?

Did you sign up for Thanksgiving Point classes?

Desiree said...

Hi MaryAnn! I love long answers. So what were the hard parts and are they still hard and you're just busier with more friends or what?

Hey Wendi, I did sign up for the classes can you believe it, I'm getting more organized bit by bit!