Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: One Week One Person

This post is about where I would go if I had one week to go anywhere and do anything I wanted and with whom I would take this vacation. If I really had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world I wanted for one week I would honestly have a hard time picking. I love to travel and see new places, I dream of being able to see the entire world before I die. Well, I might skip out on the poles, I hate to be cold, but maybe I'd take a close boat tour. Man, I can't even say I'd really skip the antartic because I'd hate to miss anything. But today I choose a tour of the Greek Islands. So beautiful and so much fascinating history to boot. I'd spend the week like a sponge soaking in everything, not running and cramming it all in, but memorizing the smells and the tastes in the air and the feel of the sun.

The person is easy, that one person would be Nate. I love my hubbie very much and would post about him non-stop except for the fact that he doesn't like his personal life to be posted on the Web. Oops. Anyway he's my dream vacation partner and the picture of him up skiing is in honor of what would probably be his dream vacation. Powder, powder, powder!


Wendi said...

Andy can ski??? How adorable!

crystal said...

Desiree, your comment on my FHE post totally made me weepy. I think that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me! :) Truly.