Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My little graduate...

Maya graduated from Little Scholar Academy a couple weeks ago. We have really loved sending our children there. We picked the school before we moved to Utah and knew where we would be living. We've "commuted" there for the past four years between Maya and Andy. So the commute is only a 10 minute drive, but our first year we did commute from Ogden for 6 months! I can't believe I won't be driving out there three days a week anymore. I guess the commute will just be moving north now.

The morning class waiting there turn to line up in their seats.

The graduation ceremony is always lots of fun with the cutest songs from the kids. Here Maya and Carter are hugging while singing, the Shake A Friends Hand song.

Receiving her diploma!

Miss Laraine and Miss Heather...best pre-school teachers ever!

Cousin Eliza was excited to come along for the festivities. Maya was so happy to share her graduation day with her buddy.

I am so proud of you Maya. Your teachers loved having you in their class and always gave you the best reviews for being a wonderful student and friend to your classmates. Great job!


Diamonds Are Forever said...

Good job Maya. You are the cutest graduate I have EVER seen. Growing up way too fast.

chats said...

maybe I have told you this 2,000 times, but your kids are so sticken cute! I love it when you post because I get to see how adorable they are! I'm sure Andy loves to be called adorable.