Monday, March 3, 2008

52 Blessings Week 9

It may be weird with only 52 things to list that I am grateful for that I choose my couch, but I love it. We’ve had the set since we were first married and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to get rid of it. I’d have no qualms about moving them to the basement and replacing it with a nice leather sofa set someday, but I’d still have to have it somewhere in my home. It is covered with all sorts of stains, shows its age and blends right into the floor where we live but it is so incredibly comfortable. It is as soft and warm as its mossy green color and pulls you into a big hug whenever you sit down. When I’m sick, when I need a break, when I need to be cozy I don’t run to my room, I run to my couch.

The other day on my way home the temperature dropped quickly and a snowstorm quickly turned everything white. The only thing I could think about was how soon I would be able to get into some pj’s, grab a blanket, turn on the fire and cuddle on my couch. It was then that I realized that I truly love this old couch and should list it as one of my blessings.


Kanabites said...

One day I hope to love a couch that much... right now mine are kind of yucky. And the salute to America can only be done in Kanab... we're small enough that sometimes we don't care what the 'world' says we can and can't do. But then other times we don't stand up for what we should afraid of what the 'world' will think... go figure. I'm loving the new blog layout, are you doing it yourself? It looks great so far!

crystal said...

A comfy couch truly IS a blessing, because they're impossible to FIND.

Heather S. said...

Oh, how I hope to have a comfy couch some day. You lucky lady.