Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tell-All-Tuesday "You can quote me on that"

I'm going to have to paraphrase my favorite quote; I hope that's not against the rules of this week's theme. My favorite quote is from one of President Hinckley's books. Sorry, I don't remember which one which is why I'm not claiming the quote is going to be word for word. When speaking about getting through trials, and just every day life he said, "The only way I know how to get things done is to get down on my knees and pray and then get up and go to work."

I love it because it reminds me that the best way to have our prayers answered is to ask for help and then roll up our sleeves and get busy with the faith that God will make everything better then we could hope for ourselves. We just need to do our part.

It ties in with my new mantra from William Ernest Henley’s poem "Invictus”: I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. I’ve been trying to remember lately that I get to choose what I make of my life.


Wendi said...

I love it! Those are such empowering quotes! Thanks for sharing! You are a good example to me of making the most of your life. You're amazing.

Heather S. said...

What a great quote. I'm glad we have such great leaders of the church that we can learn so much from.

Lourdes and family said...

I really needed to hear that today.
I feel my life is spiraling out of
control. Pres. Hinkley's quote is
so true, without prayer and the Lord on my side, I couldn't do it.
I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and for a great Prophet.
Thanks for the spiritual thought.
Love Ya!