I love spending time with my kids. We try and take turns taking each of the kids out on special dates with us. This time I took Andy to CPK and the Jazz game. The afternoon before we left he took me to the side and said, "Mom, I should have told you this before, but I'm kind of embarassed that this is called a date." It was too cute. It was easy enough to convince him that it's okay because with your mom it's not the same thing as a real date, but it was a reminder that soon enough my 1st grader that gives me hugs and kisses and even lets me hold his hand at school will soon be too old for that stuff. I wish I knew how to slow it down! Andy had the best time at the game. The Jazz were playing the Milwaukee Bucks. Andy was born in Milwaukee and decided that for that game the Jazz were the enemy against his home town and was the loudest and only Bucks fan in our section.
Maya is growing up so quickly. I've never seen a four year old so obsessed with jewelry and make-up. She still is obsessed with anything pink and constantly hovering over her little brother Luke. She's such a sweet little friend, I hope that adolescence doesn't change what we have. It's nice having her on the girl team in our family. This picture was taken at her friend's birthday party at Classic Fun Center, we had fun with the scooter and bounce houses and jungle gym. I wish my basement looked like that!
Luke is my little joy that almost wasn't. We were done at two kids because I get so sick when I'm pregnant, but we decided to go against the fear in my gut and have been blessed ever since. He's such a happy little camper and so curious and into everything. I love hearing him say, "Hey, mama" with the biggest smile when I get him out of his crib each morning. He loves "jumping" and Bombee (Barney the dinosaur), cows and talking. The other day he brought me the phone and said, "I wan call my daddy, happy bithday." I dialed Nate and Luke sang Happy Birthday to him on the phone. It's his favorite song right now. Sometimes I call people in my family that are patient enough to listen to Luke babble on the phone. The other day he was wandering around with the phone and ten minutes later I realized that my poor mom was still listening to him sing Happy Birthday and telling her over and over "Um, cow moo."